

The street I live on.
View from one of the many cafes in Copan. We'll sometimes study/do homework in the cafes. 
Getting acclimated. Plus I'm stoked about my sweet head lamp.

                 My Animal Friends & Enemies

RIP Jerry. He didn't listen when I warned him to stay off my sheets. Poor Jerry.
My friend at Doña Elena's. His leg is all mangled :( but he greets me everyday
I can't help but pet the dogs here. In exchange for my love, they give me flees. It's worth it :)
One of my friends in my room doing a nice little jig for me.

La Pintada, round I

La Pintada is a village in the mountains. I really enjoy hiking up there :)

The kids at La Pintada make these beautiful corn husk dolls. Here they are trying to get Christina to buy theirs.

Sarah and some of her new friends at La Pintada during our 1st trip there.
"Say queso!!!!"
They have these all over. Still not sure what they are but I like them.

Some of the kids at La Pintada singing the National Anthem of Honduras

Horseback Riding

Me as we began our horseback riding journey. I was overwhelmed with joy... and by joy I mean terror
Again, terrified as I tried to smile
Accepting that the horseback ride was worth it
So over it and us.
I got the smallest horse because I couldn't have a pony.
My horse ate every chance she got. I said we were similar until I found out it was because she recently gave birth...
Sarah, me, Christina 

Sarah's horse trying to take the lead!

Horses fighting for the top spot!

See those shorts riding up? Terrible idea. So so terrible.
I wasn't in the front often, since my horse liked to take snack breaks so often. 
See my horse eating, again?
Note our friend in the orange/yellow shirt. He kept trying to get them to go faster. It was like some sick joke.
 But, he was nice.
"Let's just suddenly stop and get a bite to eat" -my horse every 15 feet

So stoked that I made it back alive and in one piece. I learned my lesson though... never again will I wear basketball shorts while horseback riding...

La Pintada, round II

We hike/walk 10 miles round trip to play with them. I'd walk 2x that if I had to :)

La Pintada is known for their weaving. The scarves, purses, bracelets, etc are made by women that live there.

Having your eyes open is overrated
Trouble makers

Some of the really great "older" boys, around 11-12 or so
Finally tired some of them out
After 20+ tries, she's getting the hang of taking pictures with my phone!
Excited about it!
Trying to explain that I didn't think climbing into the school was a good idea...
Just before we got a bit lost 

Fire pit and behind me was a place to do yoga!

Bird Park

It's pretty ironic that the two main activities we've gone both involve some of my least favorite animals... horses and birds. Luckily there's no jellyfish exhibit here. 

This little guy liked my backpack and flew right onto it!
These two were REALLY into each other

Some of the best pictures from that day...

Okay, the birds grew on me.

Our tour in Spanish

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